Hoping to beat cancer
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I am webmaster. My name is Andrew. Most recently, I was big and strong, 2 meters tall and 110 kilograms weight. I was a sportsman and yachtsman. But now I have cancer the third degree. It all happened quite suddenly, the diagnosis was announced to me on October 1. Now I'm in the Herzen Institute of Oncology in Moscow, Race Street, Department of Radiotherapy, Ward No. 15.

I will go here chemotherapy and radiation therapy for a month. After that I will have two complex operations. I do not know where I will be doing the operation - in Russia, in Germany or in Israel, it is now decided by doctors. But I know that surgery and treatment will be very expensive.

Unfortunately, I did not have enough money for treatment. If possible, please help me through Paypal. I will be very grateful to all contributors, and I promise to list them on my twitter and on this page.

See also: My twitter with photo


Photo from clinic


This book helps me

David Servan-Schreiber "A New Way of Life"
When David Servan-Schreiber, a dedicated scientist and doctor, was diagnosed with brain cancer, his life changed. Confronting what medicine knows about the illness and the little-known workings of his body's natural cancer ­fighting capacities, and marshaling his own will to live, Servan-Schreiber found himself on a fifteen-­year journey from disease and relapse into scientific exploration and, finally, to health. http://www.anticancerbook.com/
Georgy Sytin
Mental attitude against cancer (auditory training) - in Russian, audio MP3 | video . Listening to this record has helped to reduce the pain. it's amazing.

Herzen Institute of Oncology, Moscow, Russia (offisial site) Siemens Oncor Impression Plus Linear Accelerator Twitter http://twitter.com/hopebeatcancer
Contact andramet@gmail.com
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